South Park Championship Wrestling 2000's Join Page

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1. Choose your wrestler.  Make sure he/she is not currently in use by checking the ROSTER LIST.   After your wrestler has been chosen;

2. Copy the form, and paste it into an email.

3. Fill out the form COMPLETELY.

4. Send it to DemonSpawn and Cujo, [email protected] and [email protected], and DS will reply telling you whether your application was accepted or not.  I will then add you to the ROOKIES list.  You must roleplay as a rookie for a week, and if you do well, you will become a full-fledged SPCW member!  (Sounds complicated, but it's worth it!)

1 - The name of your wrestler (South Park-related):

    1a - The REAL wrestler that your South Park character is modeled after:

2 - Your wrestler's finishing manuever (South Park-related, or not):

    2a -The REAL move that your finishing manuever is modeled after:

3 - Your wrestler's theme music (And, if possible, a copy of the music in MIDI format):

4 - Your wrestler's height and weight (For announcement purposes, and Heavyweight/Cruiserweight classifying):

5 - You wrestler's hometown (For announcement purposes):

6 - Your wrestler's personality - FACE (Good Guy), HEEL (Bad Guy), NORMAL (Neither):

7 - Your wrestler's style (For move purposes) Please choose only one of the following:

    Technician (Bret Hart, prime example.  Someone who uses a lot of holds, and wrestles tactfully.   Does not rely on strength to win bouts, but rather experience and technique.)

    Brawler (Steve Austin.    The opposite of Technician.  Kinda Hardcore, but uses a lot less wrestling moves.  Wrestler relies on punches, and other moves in that category.)

    High-Flyer (Rey Mysterio.    Usually smaller wrestlers that aren't strong enough to compete normally.   Put their life on the line by using high-risk maneuvers to make up for their loss.    Usually very fast.  Have a potential to almost kill themselves when their maneuvers are off target.)

    Powerhouse (Kane.     Someone who relies soley on sheer strength to defeat opponents.   Not usually very skilled or experienced, as they are usually slow wrestlers.   If strength's your goal, pick Powerhouse.)

    Wrestler (Kurt Angle.    Real Olympian wrestlers.  Usually grounded, and don't attempt fancier moves.   Almost like a technician, but uses technique much more to their advantage.)

    Heel (Big Poppa Pump.    These wrestlers will FIND a way to win.  Cheating, running away, beating up valets, you name it.  May potentially get disqualified for his/her actions.)

    Old Style (Anyone who wrestled during the 60's 70's, and early 80's.  These wrestlers are a mix between Technicians and Brawlers.  Do a lot of showing off.  Fan favorites.)

    Martial Artist (Glacier.     Wrestlers who rely on moves learned in the martial arts - Karate, Kung Fu, etc.   Uses a lot of kicks, and sometimes throws.  Not usually very strong.)

    Shooter (UFC Fighters.    Shooters are the strangest category of wrestlers, because what they do is not fake.   Many are trained in each Brazilian Street Fighting, Karate, and Wrestling, to use them together to defeat...  No, KILL, their opponent.   Using these skills together makes them very good, but they often fall easy prey to fancier moves.)

    Hardcore (Mick Foley.    These guys are bigger high-fliers, in that they put their life on the line to win matches.  Very extreme, and can take a beating, and keep on ticking.   Use weapons as tools.  The only disadvantage to these wrestlers is that they don't know when enough is enough, and may go far enough as to severely injure themselves.)

8 - Foreign Object of choice:

9 - Ways of contact:

    E-Mail Address -

    ICQ UIN # (If applicable) -

    AOLIM Screen Name (If applicable) -